SEPTEMBER 22, 2023

Its Friday night, I’ve had a crazy week, I’m on my way home from an incredible climate panel discussion and I know exactly where I’m headed,, its Tony’s pizza in Bushwick — I’ve got a perfect couple on my mind, root beer && pizza. Though Tony’s doesn’t have my fave kind of pie, square — preferably grandma, they have a pretty solid NY slice so I go for that and the ubiquitous A&W root beer.

The pizza is super cheesy and heavy but the sweetness and slight brightness of the root beer kind of cuts how oily the pizza is. TBH both are kind of mid individually, but together they are fabulous.

Having this perfect pair tn is bringing me back to many Friday nights on my dad’s weekend, when he would would get my siblings & I from my mom’s house && drive us to one of the most iconic Rhode Island pizza institutions, Twin’s in North Providence. The place where my devotion to the root beer pizza pairing began. 

At Twins we always ate in the restaurant, in a booth, in the non smoking section, & ordered the same thing, - a half cheese half pepperoni pizza, medium well done and a pitcher of root beer. The light was low and the dishes they brought to the table were always warm. We would poke at the fake plants and dark wood paneling, we’d draw in my dad’s sketchbook and all over the ad’s on the paper placemats, turning every real estate agent into a vampire. We laughted, talked and attempted stealthiness shooting straw sleeves at eachother.

The pizza was so good, being there felt like belonging. We were going though a lot at that time but the sweetness of the rootbeer helped cut the heaviness of it all.

Accessibility: Very!!! even in NYC this combo cost me only $4, and you can get it anywhere 

Would I recommend: of course…..and furthermore if you ever have the chance to go to twins please do I barely scratched the surface of how amazing and crazy this place is and the pizza is so fucking good

Who should you enjoy this with: Anybody who loves life

This was me: ︎︎


These are my reviews
thank you for reading them 


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