DECEMBER 29 2022

I had to crop the pic in this crazy way because the cup looked dirty in the sunlight

My stepmother, Denise, has been making kombucha for around a year now. Its part of a “live off the land’ make everything yourself, doomsday prepper thing she’s into. Though her interest in these things is deeply upsetting to me, the kombucha is good -- its one of many ferments she makes, and she’s nearly perfected the art.

This particular kombucha is made with mango juice and ginger, its light, sparkly and has just a slight earthyness  to it, it really tastes like summer and citrus. You feel the ginger bite you back and its not farty as many kombuchas, super bright and acidic. I drank this with my younger brother after breakfast while we listened to Denise tell us about how ginger is nature’s Ibuprofen – and if we drink this we wont get sick. The idea that this drink would cure all of my ailments definetly affected my experience of it, and it was a touch that I appreciated! It was like the real life version of when you buy something healthy and read all of the info on the wrapper so you can feel like you’ve made a really healthy choice.

This booch drinks like a light italian soda, slightly sweet and effervescent, perfect to sip while you watch a Youtube video about how to waterglass 100 eggs.

This is not accessible, if you are a member of my family you have easy access it would be pretty hard to get your hands on this if not

Would I recommend:
Yes, I recommend my stepmom’s kombucha to all who pass through her and my Dad’s house

Who should you enjoy this with
: Enjoy it with your little brother, you’ll need an ally when the conversation turns from making kombucha to full collapse of the grid

This was me: ︎



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